Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Rachel

Rachel Elizabeth Thibault
Born: March 24th
6 lbs 14oz

Rachel's Baptism, wearing the same
dress Sara wore on this day.

Sara and Jacob love their new sister so much....

As Jacob alwasy says, "She is soooo cute, I can't stop saying that."

She is so peaceful and beautiful.

It took until she was about 2 months old for

her to enjoy her baths.....

..... rather than screaming through the whole thing...

but she sure loves being wrapped up in her little bunny blanket.

It is amazing how babies can sleep in any position.

What a beautiful smile.

Rachel and mom sure love their walks!

Sara is a wonderful big sister, never letting her sister cry,
and helping change her whenever we ask
(and sometimes even when we don't ask)

It is amazing Rachel ever gets to sleep with all the attention
she gets from her siblings.

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